Red giant denoiser plugin
Red giant denoiser plugin

Performances: Never wait for anything to be rendered, in Natron anything you do produces real-time feedback thanks to its optimized multi-threaded rendering pipeline and its support for proxy rendering.It is possible to separate on any number of screens the graphical user interface. Intuitive user interface: Natron aims not to break habits by providing an intuitive and familiar user interface.OpenFX samples (in the Support and Examples directories).OpenFX-Yadif deinterlacer : An open-source efficient de-interlacer.OpenFX-OpenCV : A set of plugins based on OpenCV.OpenFX-Arena : A set of extra nodes (bundled with the pre-compiled versions of Natron).OpenFX-Misc : A set of basic nodes, such as Transform, chroma keyer, etc… (bundled with the pre-compiled versions of Natron).OpenFX-IO : to read anything else than standard 8-bits images (bundled with pre-compiled versions of Natron).Support for many free and open-source OpenFX plugins:.Dozens of file formats supported: EXR, DPX, TIFF, PSD, SVG, RAW, JPG, PNG … and more.Colorspace management handled by OpenColorIO.

red giant denoiser plugin

32 bits floating point linear color processing pipeline.

Red giant denoiser plugin