Dredged define
Dredged define

dredged define dredged define

H0 4-2: Dredged material disposal operations have no significant direct impact on threatened and endangered species.ĭredged material disposal in water bodies should be discouraged, except for habitat improvement or where depositing dredged material on land would be more detrimental to shoreline resources than deposition in water areas.ĭredged material disposal sites with adequate capacity to accommodate anticipated dredging needs for at least a five year period shall be identified and designated.ĭredged material disposal at sites not designated for dredged material disposal in the Comprehensive Plan, provided the dredged material is utilized as a source of fill material for an approved fill project.ĭredged material disposal shall not be permitted in the vicinity of a public water supply intake.ĭredged material means material that is excavated or dredged from surface waters. Examples of Dredged material disposal in a sentenceĭredged material disposal at sites designated for dredged material disposal in the Comprehensive Plan.ĭredged material disposal in an approved DMD site or in conjunction with an approved fill project, subject to state and federal permit requirements for dredged material disposal.ĭredged material disposal may also be accomplished through open-water disposal and habitat development.ĭredged material disposal at beach nourishment sites shall only be used to offset the erosion and not to create new beach or land areas.ĭredged material disposal facilities The Federal share of the cost of constructing land-based and aquatic dredged material disposal facilities that are necessary for the disposal of dredged material required for the operation and maintenance of a project and for which a contract for construction has not been awarded on or before October 12, 1996, shall be determined in accordance with subsection (a).

Dredged define