Company of heroes 2 how to buy soviets steam walkthrough
Company of heroes 2 how to buy soviets steam walkthrough

company of heroes 2 how to buy soviets steam walkthrough

From the start of the game, the Russians already have a strong kit that allows fast and aggressive gameplay. Larger infantry squads also make recrewing support weapons much less of a hassle. This advantage is most apparent when it comes to support weapons where Russian support units have 50% more the amount of men in their squads compared to their German counterparts.

company of heroes 2 how to buy soviets steam walkthrough

One grenade may have the explosive radius to hit every member in a 4 member grenadier squad, but not everyone is likely to get hit if the squad is 6 members.

company of heroes 2 how to buy soviets steam walkthrough

Larger squads means that the unit as a whole is slightly less vulnerable to HE damage. Soviet Union units come in larger sizes than their Wermacht counterparts often having 50% more men in a squad. "The Mongols have nothing on our hordes!"

Company of heroes 2 how to buy soviets steam walkthrough